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Ascending South America Expedition

NewsSeptember 27, 2018

A 6.500 km journey through rivers using three (3) AB Inflatables boats

“A friend told me once that it was possible to travel all South America through rivers and this was kept in my mind. One night I studied the nautical maps and here I am doing this expedition.”

These were the words by Andy Leeman, leader of the #AscendingSouthAmerica Expedition, before starting with this new adventure that never has been done before. During his experience, Leeman has done more than 100.000 nautical miles in all type of boats and waters worldwide. Other expeditions where Leeman has used AB were: #EndOfTheWorldExpedition, #YukonExpedition, #MekongExpedition and many more.

On September 6 / 2018 at San Fernando, Argentina, the Swiss Andy Leeman with other eight (8) adventurers started a 6.500 km journey to Manaus, Brazil, with a plan of navigating only through rivers passing by North Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia.

“For the #AscendingSouthAmerica Expedition, our Distributor in Argentina, Hardcraft S.A, played an important role to make this expedition a reality, otherwise this wouldn’t have been possible”, AB Inflatables Marketing Manager said. For this 6.500 km journey, the adventurers needed ample, reliable and strong inflatables boats that could handle a lot of payload since they are nine (9) people and each of them have their own equipment.


“We never doubted that AB Inflatables was the inflatable brand for this expedition. That’s why I contacted AB and with Hardcraft S.A we decided to use three (3) Lammina 14 AL that provide us reliability and payload capacity to carry all the equipment we have”, Leeman added.

 #AscendingSouthAmerica Expedition updates can be followed at AB Inflatables, RIBEX & Hardcraft social media channels

AB Inflatables

Facebook: @inflatablesAB            

Instagram: @abinflatables


Website: http://ribexpedition.net/

Facebook: @ribexpedition


Facebook: @hardcraftARG

Instagram: @semirrigidosab




Muestra Náutica Rosario 2018



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